Drawing Scanning
Organisations in building construction, architecture, electrical manufacturing, railway and highway industries use drawings and plans in their day-to-day business. During the course of their business, these organisations have built a large paper archive of drawings and plans which are difficult to store, access, share and manage. Scanning these drawings into an electronic format provides a solution to these difficulties.
By scanning the drawings and plans scanned and electronically archived, companies minimise the time spent in searching for drawings, increase their productivity, save valuable office space and safeguard the archives against any natural disaster. Once scanned and electronically stored on a central repository, the electronic archive provides instant and shared access to everyone who needs to print, e-mail or simply view the drawings and plans.
The Glorious drawing scanning and plan scanning bureau specialises in large and small volume scanning services. Our advisors can help you to achieve the solution you are require from a one-off scanning of drawings and plans then archiving to CD to on-going, drawing and plan scanning service requirements.
Glorious can provide the best plan and drawing scanning service with high-quality results at a low cost!
Our scanners are amongst the fastest and most sophisticated in the scanning industry. They have both top and bottom illumination, which gives excellent image quality from the sheet.
All scanned images are cleaned up after the initial scanning process. This involves running raw scanned drawings and plans through de-speckling, cropping and de-skewing processes to obtain the best results. Each scanned drawing or plan is then individually inspected prior to its final release.
After the scanning process is complete, for a fast and efficient drawing search, we can index the drawings by the following categories or as required;
Over 5000 A0 size drawings can be archived on a standard CD or over 30,000 A0 drawings can be archived on a standard DVD. That CD or DVD can be accessed from any PC, Laptop or Mac. The data can also be copied to a network location for instant shared access.
Our drawings and plan scanning bureau also supply our FREE drawing and plan search software as part of our scanning of drawings and plans bureau services to our clients on a CD format, so all you need to access your drawings is any PC. Simple!
Retrieval software is a useful tool as well as very user friendly. You can instantly search for a drawing or plan by any of the different indexed categories which are listed above. No prior training or installation is required. It all runs from the CD or further more, if required, we can provide a network version of the software so drawings can be shared and searched across the network or even from the Internet.
To use the software, just insert the CD in your PC and a small search window will appear on your screen. Type in the file name and the searched drawing or plan is displayed on your screen. If you wish, you can view, print or even e-mail your drawing or plan.
If you wish to discuss your drawing or plan scanning services or convert your paper drawing or plan to editable CAD .dwg or .dxf format, please contact us on 09212382204 to discuss your requirements today or simply fill in the form, our drawing and plan scanning conversion advisor will contact you to discuss your requirements.
In addition to our plan and drawing scanning service, once scanned, we can convert your drawings or plans into fully formatted CAD editable files in AutoCAD (DWG), Micro station (DGN), DXF or other required formats enabling you to make rapid changes. We also provide manual CAD drafting services at low cost.
For further information on Glorious drawing scanning, CAD conversion and document management solutions, please Contact Us Secure Shredding: